Angel Readings


What Are Angels?

Each Soul has loving and devoted higher-consciousness Beings assisting them with their life path and purpose. These Beings are energetic vibrations of Higher Truth and Unconditional Love. Each person has 5-10 angels or guides assisting them on their life path.  Some people can see their Angels and Guides, others can sense of feel them and I hear them.

About Angel Readings

When you were young, you naturally explored the world with joy and wonder guided by the gentle voice of your loving angels. If you have lost your connection to that loving guidance, Angel Readings can help you reconnect.

You are loved and supported as you journey through life. Every being has access to divine loving guidance.

You were never meant to walk alone.

If you have lost touch with that guidance I encourage you to receive a reading. Often after several readings the human that has lost touch with the inner voice of their Angels can begin to hear their gentle voice of guidance and support.

For so many this voice was lost in early childhood when we felt the inner knowing to go and explore and were told “NO!, don’t touch, don’t leave my side, don’t, don’t don’t, that’s bad, you are bad, wrong,” etc. We stopped listening and stopped exploring our world with guidance, joy and wonder.

The Angelic Readings provided are useful for years and decades to come. This is why they are written, as The Angels recommend that you reread the message everyday for a while as you will get more information each time. In the weeks, months and years to come the reading will call you back to your true self, and help you remember your highest self. 

What a reading is:

  • The reading is written guidance shared during a scheduled Zoom call. I channel the messages in writing during our call, you have time to read it and ask questions–depending on your appointment duration.

  • Spiritual guidance and support

  • The angel readings often are a reminder of the truth of who you are, how much you’re loved and the reminder that you are not alone.

  • I will connect to your angels and guides and work with those that are assisting you in the particular areas based on your questions.

What a reading isn’t:

  • I am not a psychic. If you are inquiring about an angel reading it’s because you want to be connected to your Angels and live your highest life purpose.

  • This is not fortune-telling, divination or predicting the future.

  • It’s not advice for health, finances or relationships.

  • It’s not meant to convince anyone of anything. Remember you still have free will and can do and be and believe as you desire. The Angels will never interfere with your free will.

What to expect during a reading:

I begin a reading by opening the space with a grounding exercise for the guidance to come through clearly for you.

  1. I will share with you any information and impressions of what I see, hear and sense.

  2. If you have specific questions, you will have the opportunity to ask 1-3 questions relating to areas you want additional guidance on. 

  3. All feelings are welcome. You may be moved hearing what the Angels have to share. The love that comes through is so powerful and often can move you tears.

    The guidance is helpful, loving and uplifting

I will close the space to complete the reading.


Free will is our gift from the Creator and neither I or the Angels can interfere with your free will.

You must give your permission for me to contact your Angels and receive information from them. By requesting a reading you are giving your permission. I will not be able to receive information on anything other than the questions you wish answers to.

Once the reading is complete I ask that you read it several times a day as you will continue to get new information and insights in the days and weeks to come.

I will be thinking well of you always, holding you in the light of love and will maintain all reading information and contact information as extremely confidential.

How to prepare for a reading:

  • Choose a quiet and uninterrupted space for our zoom video call.

  • Be as hydrated as possible before your scheduled reading. Also be mindful to abstain from using alcohol or any mind-altering substances prior to the session as this can strain the guidance from coming in.

  • Light a candle before the session begins (I do the same on my end)

  • Write down–not type, your questions/intentions for the reading ahead of time to bring to your scheduled reading appointment.


Book Your Angel Reading


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I ask? What questions can my angels answer?

You can ask your angels absolutely anything and they will share guidance, information and expressions of love with you and for you.

Your question should however be focused on yourself and your life. There are situations where mothers inquire about children, and the angels will often share info about the children. Other than that its unlikely that you will receive info about another’s soul’s journey. You can ask but often what you will hear it is that its of no concern to you.

Relationships/romantic partnerships/ parental/siblings/ friends/ co-workers they will help you navigate with those relationships on your end for your part.

Do these readings predict the future?

Remember you have free will and the angels are offering guidance and support based on how things are going right now. It is your free will and your connection with your creator to co-create that can alter the path at any moment. The angels can only offer info and guidance based on where you’re headed. They will never interfere with your free will or anyone else’s free will.

One of the delightful results of receiving an angel reading is to get information that helps you raise awareness about the choices that you have available to you. We all forget the world is our playground. Angels help us remember.

How do I connect with my Angels?

Everyone is capable of connecting directly with their Angels and Guides, but if you find it difficult I offer classes on how to do this.

If you are on our mailing list, you will receive updates on classes & events.

What if I don’t know what question to ask?

Ask your angels: “What would you like for me to know today?”

It’s likely the answer will be that they would like you to know that you are loved and lovable. That you are precious, whole and complete, intelligent, creative and interesting. You are a gift!

Stay focused on questions about your life. Free will is a divine design and angels will not interfere with anyone’s free will. Many aspects of life including health and illness, involve opportunities of free will. It is unlikely you will get medical direction from your angels. But more likely you will receive spiritual guidance for self love that will benefit your over all well being.

What if I don’t have angels or they don’t have anything to say?

I’ve yet to experience anyone who desires information from their angels to ask question and not receive anything.

Hasn’t happened yet. Everyone has angels and guides who support them on their life path.

The angels have the highest level of integrity and will not share information about another soul’s life purpose or life path.

What if I don’t understand my reading?

This is not uncommon the first time you read the message from your angels.

I recommend that you read it every day for a week because you will get new info and insight each time.

If after one week you still don’t understand something from your reading please contact me here with your question and I will do our best to answer.

What if I feel scared to hear what my angels will say?

This is very common for first time recipients of my readings.

There is no need to be afraid, they resonate love and care and assist you with your highest expression of good.

What you receive will be moving and positive. Your angels hold for you the highest truth of who you are and most readings include a reminder of the goodness and light that you are.

How many questions should I ask?

I recommend a maximum of 3 questions for a 30 min reading and a maximum of 6 questions for a 60 min reading.

The questions need to be prioritized in the order of importance because I will channel for the time period purchased starting with the first question.

It is quite possible your angels will want to talk about your 1st question for the entire reading.

I will channel until no further information is received and move onto the next question.

What if I want to talk to someone or have a reading in person?

I recommend that you get a written reading first and then after sitting with the information if you feel you desire more guidance or perspective I offer virtual coaching via Zoom and in person coaching in the Houston area.

I require a 10-min Zoom consultation before scheduling any readings in person. In person services are $200 per hour. Please contact me.